Monday, August 16, 2010

HCG Diet drops for weight loss containing alcohol.

hCG Diet drops in an alcohol-based solution are the best choice for weight loss.  They have little to no chance of contamination.  They can be shipped safely through any courier service.  More hCG can be absorbed through the alcohol additive than without. 

I have had this concern brought to my attention over the last several years as clients and my staff find random information about alcohol in liquid remedies.  We have glycerin-based also known as water-based formulas, however, it just isn't sensible for our customers to use them and have to store them.  They require great maintenance and are more difficult to take to work, travel, or family outings as they must be immediately refrigerated.   Typical shelf life if properly stored is no more than 20 days refrigerated. 

Alcohol based hCG is the safest bet for anyone using hCG diet drops for weight loss.  The hormone is active and kicking.  Most importantly it is preserved and absolute absorption is achieved during it's use.

there is some great information on this subject at the following link.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

What to eat and when to eat it on the hCG Diet Drops protocol

Are you just beginning the hCG Diet? Outside of taking hCG you need to know the details of the protocol as it is critical that one remain very strict. The hCG alone doesn’t ensure successful weight loss. You must first understand what to eat and the best times to eat.

First an example of what to eat on the hCG Diet (hCG Diet meal planner)

2 portions of fruit; 1 Apple, 1 Orange, ½ Grapefruit, or a handful of Strawberries.

2 portions of vegetables; Spinach, Chicory, Chard, Beet Greens, Green Salad, Celery, Tomatoes, Red Radishes, Onions, Cucumbers, Asparagus or Cabbage.

2 portions of protein (3.5oz each) Veal, Beef, Chicken Breast, White Fish, Lobster, Crab or Shrimp

2 portions of Carbohydrates; 1 piece melba toast or 1 small bread stick.

Any quantity of non-caloric fluid; tea, coffee or water

The juice of one lemon is allowed daily. Salt, pepper, vinegar, mustard powder, garlic, sweet basil, parsley, thyme, marjoram are approved for the weight loss phase. Most natural seasonings are okay on the hCG Diet. Avoid seasonings that contain sugar, high sodium or any fat.

Butter, oil or dressing are prohibited during phase 2 of the protocol. hCG Diet Eating Schedule

9:00 AM - Breakfast: Have coffee or tea. (one tablespoon skim milk permitted)

11:00 AM - Snack: Eat hCG Diet approved fruit.

12:30 PM - Lunch: 1 portion of vegetable and 1 portion of protein (100 grams) and 1 Melba toast.

3:30 PM - Snack: Eat one hCG Diet approved fruit.

6:30 PM - Dinner: 1 portion of vegetable and 1 portion of protein (100 grams) and 1 Melba toast.

8:00 PM - Evening: cup of tea (don't forget to increase your water intake)

Make note. The foods available to us today are significantly deficient in nutrients compared to 60 years ago when Dr. A.T.W. Simeons first applied the use of hCG for weight loss. We strongly recommend purchasing a sub-lingual multivitamin or a whole food multivitamin as they break down and are absorbed during digestion. Most O.T.C. multivitamins pass through ones digestive system with minimum break down and absorption.

You will need a bathroom scale which measures tenths of a pound to monitor your weight loss daily. It is also recommended you have an accurate kitchen scale for measuring all of your proteins prior to cooking them.

Dr. Lillian Morrison

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

While the hCG diet does not require regular physical exercise it does require a committed person who is willing to sacrifice to lose weight.  The commitment required is a devotion that must stem from loving yourself and saying ‘enough is enough’. Since the hCG diet doesn’t require exercise something must have to take place for it to work and it does.  The hCG hormone that is produced has shown that it can speed up your metabolic rate and actually burn fats faster than normal.  That is why people will lose weight, more than a pound a day in some cases.
We’ve heard several in the medical field give us reasons why the low calorie diet that is associated with the hCG diet has side effects that can be bad and if you are overweight this is something you should look at and weigh against your current situation.  Does anyone in the medical profession doubt that being overweight or obese is bad for your health?  The hCG diet allows your body to burn fat faster than normal and you’ll lose weight.  The overweight will see dramatic results but this isn’t easy to do.
We counsel people to go into the program with an expectation and understanding of what is about to take place and to prepare beforehand.  Understand that you’ll be eating 500 calories a day and that you’ll be eating foods you aren’t accustomed to eating.  People who are overweight got there by eating the wrong foods and too much of them so the habits that were created over the years aren’t easy to break.  We counsel the seriously overweight to work on cutting down even before they start the diet.  It will be an easier transition and the body will see better results.
Once you’re prepared mentally and physically to do the hCG diet, then jump in and do it.  You’ll lose weight and start to feel better about yourself within a matter of days.  You’ll hit some speed bumps along the way but with the correct frame of mind and understanding you’ll be able to overcome them.  After each day when you step on the scale you’ll see yourself losing weight and your body starts to get accustomed to the diet.  You’ll start to crave good foods and appreciate what you are eating.  People will comment as much about the weight loss as they will about the change in who you are becoming.