Monday, August 16, 2010

HCG Diet drops for weight loss containing alcohol.

hCG Diet drops in an alcohol-based solution are the best choice for weight loss.  They have little to no chance of contamination.  They can be shipped safely through any courier service.  More hCG can be absorbed through the alcohol additive than without. 

I have had this concern brought to my attention over the last several years as clients and my staff find random information about alcohol in liquid remedies.  We have glycerin-based also known as water-based formulas, however, it just isn't sensible for our customers to use them and have to store them.  They require great maintenance and are more difficult to take to work, travel, or family outings as they must be immediately refrigerated.   Typical shelf life if properly stored is no more than 20 days refrigerated. 

Alcohol based hCG is the safest bet for anyone using hCG diet drops for weight loss.  The hormone is active and kicking.  Most importantly it is preserved and absolute absorption is achieved during it's use.

there is some great information on this subject at the following link.

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